“Virginia creates an environment that focuses on learning, growing, creativity, and a lot of fun. With her help, I expanded my opportunities and was really challenged. She doesn't let you settle for mediocre.

When you follow her lead, you are always heading in the right direction."

Director-level female in the translation industry

Speech-Language Pathologists help enhance communication skills through public speaking, assertiveness, and interpersonal communication training. These skills help individuals convey their ideas confidently and persuasively in meetings, presentations, and negotiations. This also includes social communication skills, including nonverbal communication, body language, and pragmatics. This training helps individuals build rapport, collaborate with colleagues, and navigate workplace dynamics.

SLPs also help with improved language skills such as organizing thoughts, understanding complex language, and strategies for remembering information. Harmony Charlotte's services are under the umbrella of Corporate Speech-Language Pathology and are geared toward a work environment.

Speaking & Communicating services

  • Accent Training

    Accent modification, or accent training, is designed to help individuals change their speech patterns to sound more like native speakers of a particular language or dialect. This helps to enhance communication skills, increase confidence in speaking, improve comprehension by others, and better integration into professional and social environments where clear communication is essential. Accent modification aims to deploy clear speech when needed while honoring the native culture and language.

  • Intercultural Communication

    Cultural differences can create tension when communicating with others who are not familiar with cultural differences. This can be exasperated at work. These sessions focus on helping the minority and majority culture understand each other and provide ways to talk about differences in a way that allows all cultures to be respected.

  • Communication Skills Training

    Speech-language pathologists are experts in all modes of communication. During these sessions, the SLP will work with you to determine any barriers that need to be tackled for more effective communication at work and with the individuals most important to you. This involves analyzing communication patterns and determining strategies that can be easily deployed.

  • Presentation Skills Training

    Preparing and delivering a presentation can be overwhelming. Harmony’s presentation skills training includes public speaking techniques, working on the visual aids for the presentation, structuring ideas effectively, managing nerves, helping to receive constructive feedback, and improving delivery style by examining the tone, pace, and body language used when presenting. This can be a skill that is targeted each week, or in a concentrated period of time when preparing for a big presentation.

  • Voice Misuse

    After a day of talking, teaching, or coaching, a hoarse voice could mean you are misusing your vocal cords. This could lead to vocal nodules that typically require surgical removal (think Adele, Sam Smith, Justin Timberlake). A speech pathologist can help you learn to bring your voice forward and optimize tone, avoiding harsh sounds and vocal cord damage.

  • Social Skills Training

    Communication is interactive, and some people need help making eye contact, knowing when to speak, how to avoid being interrupted, what gestures are appropriate, and how to have your words make an impact. These skills can be targeted for speaking one-on-one with others or presenting your ideas. This can be helpful when engaging with teammates or clients.

  • Optimizing Discussions with Others

    Many of us have developed years of bad habits that can be buttoned up. We may want to work together if you speak too quickly, mumble too much, have difficulty projecting your voice, or use inflection that makes you sound like you’re asking for permission. This could also be relevant if you are worried you sound unsure. Conversely, you could be concerned you sound aggressive and arrogant.

  • Breathwork

    We use breathwork to help you have control when you are speaking to someone. If you're not breathing correctly, you may be inadvertently doing things that make you more nervous. This involves examining your workplace positioning, discussing anatomy, and discussing the best way to handle triggering events.

We offer private pay (cash, credit card) services for speaking and communicating. Our SLP services can be offered in North Carolina and Tennessee. If you live outside NC or TN, contact us for referrals or to see if coaching would be more appropriate.

Some individuals may be able to use Medicare.

If applicable, we will provide superbills you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement (such as with an HSA or FSA). Reach out to learn more.