About Harmony Charlotte

New challenges can be tough to navigate, but that’s where Harmony Charlotte steps in. Whether breathing, speaking, or hearing, we meet you exactly where you are—both in your journey and location. At Harmony Charlotte, we create a supportive environment that puts you at ease, ensuring your needs are fully understood and addressed with care.

Harmony Charlotte is brought to you by Virginia Ingram, a certified Speech-Language Pathologist with over 25 years of experience in strategy, communications, and relationship management. Virginia leverages her clinical skills to create solutions, putting people at the center while improving the quality and effectiveness of communication between important people in our lives. She sees every person she works with as individuals, catering solutions to what is most important to them instead of simply following a protocol. She blends aspects of speech-language pathology with digital literacy to make technology more accessible to people. She takes all aspects of communication and breaks it down into pieces to make it easier to accomplish goals. 

Virginia Ingram on Positively Charlotte, talking about Harmony Charlotte, the breathing techniques she uses, and why she uses them.